



Automata Complete


This is a tale of two approaches to regular expression matching. One of them is in widespread use in the standard interpreters for many languages, including Perl. The other is used only in a few places, notably most implementations of awk and grep. The two approaches have wildly different performance characteristics:

Perl graph
Thompson NFA graph

Time to match a?nan against an
Let's use superscripts to denote string repetition, so that a?3a3 is shorthand for a?a?a?aaa. The two graphs plot the time required by each approach to match the regular expression a?nan against the string an.
Notice that Perl requires over sixty seconds to match a 29-character string. The other approach, labeled Thompson NFA for reasons that will be explained later, requires twenty microseconds to match the string. That's not a typo. The Perl graph plots time in seconds, while the Thompson NFA graph plots time in microseconds: the Thompson NFA implementation is a million times faster than Perl when running on a miniscule 29-character string. The trends shown in the graph continue: the Thompson NFA handles a 100-character string in under 200 microseconds, while Perl would require over 1015 years. (Perl is only the most conspicuous example of a large number of popular programs that use the same algorithm; the above graph could have been Python, or PHP, or Ruby, or many other languages. A more detailed graph later in this article presents data for other implementations.)
It may be hard to believe the graphs: perhaps you've used Perl, and it never seemed like regular expression matching was particularly slow. Most of the time, in fact, regular expression matching in Perl is fast enough. As the graph shows, though, it is possible to write so-called “pathological” regular expressions that Perl matches very very slowly. In contrast, there are no regular expressions that are pathological for the Thompson NFA implementation. Seeing the two graphs side by side prompts the question, “why doesn't Perl use the Thompson NFA approach?” It can, it should, and that's what the rest of this article is about.
Historically, regular expressions are one of computer science's shining examples of how using good theory leads to good programs. They were originally developed by theorists as a simple computational model, but Ken Thompson introduced them to programmers in his implementation of the text editor QED for CTSS. Dennis Ritchie followed suit in his own implementation of QED, for GE-TSS. Thompson and Ritchie would go on to create Unix, and they brought regular expressions with them. By the late 1970s, regular expressions were a key feature of the Unix landscape, in tools such as ed, sed, grep, egrep, awk, and lex.
Today, regular expressions have also become a shining example of how ignoring good theory leads to bad programs. The regular expression implementations used by today's popular tools are significantly slower than the ones used in many of those thirty-year-old Unix tools.
This article reviews the good theory: regular expressions, finite automata, and a regular expression search algorithm invented by Ken Thompson in the mid-1960s. It also puts the theory into practice, describing a simple implementation of Thompson's algorithm. That implementation, less than 400 lines of C, is the one that went head to head with Perl above. It outperforms the more complex real-world implementations used by Perl, Python, PCRE, and others. The article concludes with a discussion of how theory might yet be converted into practice in the real-world implementations.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a notation for describing sets of character strings. When a particular string is in the set described by a regular expression, we often say that the regular expression matches the string.
The simplest regular expression is a single literal character. Except for the special metacharacters *+?()|, characters match themselves. To match a metacharacter, escape it with a backslash: \+ matches a literal plus character.
Two regular expressions can be alternated or concatenated to form a new regular expression: if e1 matches s and e2 matches t, then e1|e2 matches s or t, and e1e2 matches st.
The metacharacters *, +, and ? are repetition operators: e1* matches a sequence of zero or more (possibly different) strings, each of which match e1; e1+ matches one or more; e1? matches zero or one.
The operator precedence, from weakest to strongest binding, is first alternation, then concatenation, and finally the repetition operators. Explicit parentheses can be used to force different meanings, just as in arithmetic expressions. Some examples: ab|cd is equivalent to (ab)|(cd); ab* is equivalent to a(b*).
The syntax described so far is a subset of the traditional Unix egrep regular expression syntax. This subset suffices to describe all regular languages: loosely speaking, a regular language is a set of strings that can be matched in a single pass through the text using only a fixed amount of memory. Newer regular expression facilities (notably Perl and those that have copied it) have added many new operators and escape sequences. These additions make the regular expressions more concise, and sometimes more cryptic, but usually not more powerful: these fancy new regular expressions almost always have longer equivalents using the traditional syntax.
One common regular expression extension that does provide additional power is called backreferences. A backreference like \1 or \2 matches the string matched by a previous parenthesized expression, and only that string: (cat|dog)\1 matches catcat and dogdog but not catdog nor dogcat. As far as the theoretical term is concerned, regular expressions with backreferences are not regular expressions. The power that backreferences add comes at great cost: in the worst case, the best known implementations require exponential search algorithms, like the one Perl uses. Perl (and the other languages) could not now remove backreference support, of course, but they could employ much faster algorithms when presented with regular expressions that don't have backreferences, like the ones considered above. This article is about those faster algorithms.

Finite Automata

Another way to describe sets of character strings is with finite automata. Finite automata are also known as state machines, and we will use “automaton” and “machine” interchangeably.
As a simple example, here is a machine recognizing the set of strings matched by the regular expression a(bb)+a:
DFA for a(bb)+a
A finite automaton is always in one of its states, represented in the diagram by circles. (The numbers inside the circles are labels to make this discussion easier; they are not part of the machine's operation.) As it reads the string, it switches from state to state. This machine has two special states: the start state s0 and the matching state s4. Start states are depicted with lone arrowheads pointing at them, and matching states are drawn as a double circle.
The machine reads an input string one character at a time, following arrows corresponding to the input to move from state to state. Suppose the input string is abbbba. When the machine reads the first letter of the string, the a, it is in the start state s0. It follows the a arrow to state s1. This process repeats as the machine reads the rest of the string: b to s2, b to s3, b to s2, b to s3, and finally a to s4.
DFA execution on abbbba
The machine ends in s4, a matching state, so it matches the string. If the machine ends in a non-matching state, it does not match the string. If, at any point during the machine's execution, there is no arrow for it to follow corresponding to the current input character, the machine stops executing early.
The machine we have been considering is called a deterministic finite automaton (DFA), because in any state, each possible input letter leads to at most one new state. We can also create machines that must choose between multiple possible next states. For example, this machine is equivalent to the previous one but is not deterministic:
NFA for a(bb)+a
The machine is not deterministic because if it reads a b in state s2, it has multiple choices for the next state: it can go back to s1 in hopes of seeing another bb, or it can go on to s3 in hopes of seeing the final a. Since the machine cannot peek ahead to see the rest of the string, it has no way to know which is the correct decision. In this situation, it turns out to be interesting to let the machine always guess correctly. Such machines are called non-deterministic finite automata (NFAs or NDFAs). An NFA matches an input string if there is some way it can read the string and follow arrows to a matching state.
Sometimes it is convenient to let NFAs have arrows with no corresponding input character. We will leave these arrows unlabeled. An NFA can, at any time, choose to follow an unlabeled arrow without reading any input. This NFA is equivalent to the previous two, but the unlabeled arrow makes the correspondence with a(bb)+a clearest:
Another NFA for a(bb)+a

Converting Regular Expressions to NFAs

Regular expressions and NFAs turn out to be exactly equivalent in power: every regular expression has an equivalent NFA (they match the same strings) and vice versa. (It turns out that DFAs are also equivalent in power to NFAs and regular expressions; we will see this later.) There are multiple ways to translate regular expressions into NFAs. The method described here was first described by Thompson in his 1968 CACM paper.
The NFA for a regular expression is built up from partial NFAs for each subexpression, with a different construction for each operator. The partial NFAs have no matching states: instead they have one or more dangling arrows, pointing to nothing. The construction process will finish by connecting these arrows to a matching state.
The NFAs for matching single characters look like:
Single-character NFA
The NFA for the concatenation e1e2 connects the final arrow of the e1 machine to the start of the e2 machine:
Concatenation NFA
The NFA for the alternation e1|e2 adds a new start state with a choice of either the e1 machine or the e2 machine.
Alternation NFA
The NFA for e? alternates the e machine with an empty path:
Zero or one NFA
The NFA for e* uses the same alternation but loops a matching e machine back to the start:
Zero or more NFA
The NFA for e+ also creates a loop, but one that requires passing through e at least once:
One or more NFA
Counting the new states in the diagrams above, we can see that this technique creates exactly one state per character or metacharacter in the regular expression, excluding parentheses. Therefore the number of states in the final NFA is at most equal to the length of the original regular expression.
Just as with the example NFA discussed earlier, it is always possible to remove the unlabeled arrows, and it is also always possible to generate the NFA without the unlabeled arrows in the first place. Having the unlabeled arrows makes the NFA easier for us to read and understand, and they also make the C representation simpler, so we will keep them.

Regular Expression Search Algorithms

Now we have a way to test whether a regular expression matches a string: convert the regular expression to an NFA and then run the NFA using the string as input. Remember that NFAs are endowed with the ability to guess perfectly when faced with a choice of next state: to run the NFA using an ordinary computer, we must find a way to simulate this guessing.
One way to simulate perfect guessing is to guess one option, and if that doesn't work, try the other. For example, consider the NFA for abab|abbb run on the string abbb:
NFA for abab|abbb
Backtracking execution on abbb
At step 0, the NFA must make a choice: try to match abab or try to match abbb? In the diagram, the NFA tries abab, but that fails after step 3. The NFA then tries the other choice, leading to step 4 and eventually a match. This backtracking approach has a simple recursive implementation but can read the input string many times before succeeding. If the string does not match, the machine must try all possible execution paths before giving up. The NFA tried only two different paths in the example, but in the worst case, there can be exponentially many possible execution paths, leading to very slow run times.
A more efficient but more complicated way to simulate perfect guessing is to guess both options simultaneously. In this approach, the simulation allows the machine to be in multiple states at once. To process each letter, it advances all the states along all the arrows that match the letter.
Parallel execution on abbb
The machine starts in the start state and all the states reachable from the start state by unlabeled arrows. In steps 1 and 2, the NFA is in two states simultaneously. Only at step 3 does the state set narrow down to a single state. This multi-state approach tries both paths at the same time, reading the input only once. In the worst case, the NFA might be in every state at each step, but this results in at worst a constant amount of work independent of the length of the string, so arbitrarily large input strings can be processed in linear time. This is a dramatic improvement over the exponential time required by the backtracking approach. The efficiency comes from tracking the set of reachable states but not which paths were used to reach them. In an NFA with n nodes, there can only be n reachable states at any step, but there might be 2n paths through the NFA.


Thompson introduced the multiple-state simulation approach in his 1968 paper. In his formulation, the states of the NFA were represented by small machine-code sequences, and the list of possible states was just a sequence of function call instructions. In essence, Thompson compiled the regular expression into clever machine code. Forty years later, computers are much faster and the machine code approach is not as necessary. The following sections present an implementation written in portable ANSI C. The full source code (under 400 lines) and the benchmarking scripts are available online. (Readers who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with C or pointers should feel free to read the descriptions and skip over the actual code.)

Implementation: Compiling to NFA

The first step is to compile the regular expression into an equivalent NFA. In our C program, we will represent an NFA as a linked collection of State structures:
struct State
 int c;
 State *out;
 State *out1;
 int lastlist;
Each State represents one of the following three NFA fragments, depending on the value of c.
Possible per-State NFA fragments
(Lastlist is used during execution and is explained in the next section.)
Following Thompson's paper, the compiler builds an NFA from a regular expression in postfix notation with dot (.) added as an explicit concatenation operator. A separate function re2post rewrites infix regular expressions like “a(bb)+a” into equivalent postfix expressions like “abb.+.a.”. (A “real” implementation would certainly need to use dot as the “any character” metacharacter rather than as a concatenation operator. A real implementation would also probably build the NFA during parsing rather than build an explicit postfix expression. However, the postfix version is convenient and follows Thompson's paper more closely.)
As the compiler scans the postfix expression, it maintains a stack of computed NFA fragments. Literals push new NFA fragments onto the stack, while operators pop fragments off the stack and then push a new fragment. For example, after compiling the abb in abb.+.a., the stack contains NFA fragments for a, b, and b. The compilation of the . that follows pops the two b NFA fragment from the stack and pushes an NFA fragment for the concatenation bb.. Each NFA fragment is defined by its start state and its outgoing arrows:
struct Frag
 State *start;
 Ptrlist *out;
Start points at the start state for the fragment, and out is a list of pointers to State* pointers that are not yet connected to anything. These are the dangling arrows in the NFA fragment.
Some helper functions manipulate pointer lists:
Ptrlist *list1(State **outp);
Ptrlist *append(Ptrlist *l1, Ptrlist *l2);

void patch(Ptrlist *l, State *s);
List1 creates a new pointer list containing the single pointer outp. Append concatenates two pointer lists, returning the result. Patch connects the dangling arrows in the pointer list l to the state s: it sets *outp = s for each pointer outp in l.
Given these primitives and a fragment stack, the compiler is a simple loop over the postfix expression. At the end, there is a single fragment left: patching in a matching state completes the NFA.
post2nfa(char *postfix)
 char *p;
 Frag stack[1000], *stackp, e1, e2, e;
 State *s;

 #define push(s) *stackp++ = s
 #define pop()   *--stackp

 stackp = stack;
 for(p=postfix; *p; p++){
  /* compilation cases, described below */
 e = pop();
 patch(e.out, matchstate);
 return e.start;
The specific compilation cases mimic the translation steps described earlier.
Literal characters:
 s = state(*p, NULL, NULL);
 push(frag(s, list1(&s->out));
case '.':
 e2 = pop();
 e1 = pop();
 patch(e1.out, e2.start);
 push(frag(e1.start, e2.out));
case '|':
 e2 = pop();
 e1 = pop();
 s = state(Split, e1.start, e2.start);
 push(frag(s, append(e1.out, e2.out)));
Zero or one:
case '?':
 e = pop();
 s = state(Split, e.start, NULL);
 push(frag(s, append(e.out, list1(&s->out1))));
Zero or more:
case '*':
 e = pop();
 s = state(Split, e.start, NULL);
 patch(e.out, s);
 push(frag(s, list1(&s->out1)));
One or more:
case '+':
 e = pop();
 s = state(Split, e.start, NULL);
 patch(e.out, s);
 push(frag(e.start, list1(&s->out1)));

Implementation: Simulating the NFA

Now that the NFA has been built, we need to simulate it. The simulation requires tracking State sets, which are stored as a simple array list:
struct List
 State **s;
 int n;
The simulation uses two lists: clist is the current set of states that the NFA is in, and nlist is the next set of states that the NFA will be in, after processing the current character. The execution loop initializes clist to contain just the start state and then runs the machine one step at a time.
match(State *start, char *s)
 List *clist, *nlist, *t;

 /* l1 and l2 are preallocated globals */
 clist = startlist(start, &l1);
 nlist = &l2;
 for(; *s; s++){
  step(clist, *s, nlist);
  t = clist; clist = nlist; nlist = t; /* swap clist, nlist */
 return ismatch(clist);
To avoid allocating on every iteration of the loop, match uses two preallocated lists l1 and l2 as clist and nlist, swapping the two after each step.
If the final state list contains the matching state, then the string matches.
ismatch(List *l)
 int i;

 for(i=0; i<l->n; i++)
  if(l->s[i] == matchstate)
   return 1;
 return 0;
Addstate adds a state to the list, but not if it is already on the list. Scanning the entire list for each add would be inefficient; instead the variable listid acts as a list generation number. When addstate adds s to a list, it records listid in s->lastlist. If the two are already equal, then s is already on the list being built. Addstate also follows unlabeled arrows: if s is a Split state with two unlabeled arrows to new states, addstate adds those states to the list instead of s.
addstate(List *l, State *s)
 if(s == NULL || s->lastlist == listid)
 s->lastlist = listid;
 if(s->c == Split){
  /* follow unlabeled arrows */
  addstate(l, s->out);
  addstate(l, s->out1);
 l->s[l->n++] = s;
Startlist creates an initial state list by adding just the start state:
startlist(State *s, List *l)
 l->n = 0;
 addstate(l, s);
 return l;
Finally, step advances the NFA past a single character, using the current list clist to compute the next list nlist.
step(List *clist, int c, List *nlist)
 int i;
 State *s;

 nlist->n = 0;
 for(i=0; i<clist->n; i++){
  s = clist->s[i];
  if(s->c == c)
   addstate(nlist, s->out);


The C implementation just described was not written with performance in mind. Even so, a slow implementation of a linear-time algorithm can easily outperform a fast implementation of an exponential-time algorithm once the exponent is large enough. Testing a variety of popular regular expression engines on a so-called pathological regular expression demonstrates this nicely.
Consider the regular expression a?nan. It matches the string an when the a? are chosen not to match any letters, leaving the entire string to be matched by the an. Backtracking regular expression implementations implement the zero-or-one ? by first trying one and then zero. There are n such choices to make, a total of 2n possibilities. Only the very last possibility—choosing zero for all the ?—will lead to a match. The backtracking approach thus requires O(2n) time, so it will not scale much beyond n=25.
In contrast, Thompson's algorithm maintains state lists of length approximately n and processes the string, also of length n, for a total of O(n2) time. (The run time is superlinear, because we are not keeping the regular expression constant as the input grows. For a regular expression of length m run on text of length n, the Thompson NFA requires O(mn) time.)
The following graph plots time required to check whether a?nan matches an:

Performance graph
regular expression and text size n
a?nan matching an
Notice that the graph's y-axis has a logarithmic scale, in order to be able to see a wide variety of times on a single graph.
From the graph it is clear that Perl, PCRE, Python, and Ruby are all using recursive backtracking. PCRE stops getting the right answer at n=23, because it aborts the recursive backtracking after a maximum number of steps. As of Perl 5.6, Perl's regular expression engine is said to memoize the recursive backtracking search, which should, at some memory cost, keep the search from taking exponential amounts of time unless backreferences are being used. As the performance graph shows, the memoization is not complete: Perl's run time grows exponentially even though there are no backreferences in the expression. Although not benchmarked here, Java uses a backtracking implementation too. In fact, the java.util.regex interface requires a backtracking implementation, because arbitrary Java code can be substituted into the matching path. PHP uses the PCRE library.
The thick blue line is the C implementation of Thompson's algorithm given above. Awk, Tcl, GNU grep, and GNU awk build DFAs, either precomputing them or using the on-the-fly construction described in the next section.
Some might argue that this test is unfair to the backtracking implementations, since it focuses on an uncommon corner case. This argument misses the point: given a choice between an implementation with a predictable, consistent, fast running time on all inputs or one that usually runs quickly but can take years of CPU time (or more) on some inputs, the decision should be easy. Also, while examples as dramatic as this one rarely occur in practice, less dramatic ones do occur. Examples include using (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) to split five space-separated fields, or using alternations where the common cases are not listed first. As a result, programmers often learn which constructs are expensive and avoid them, or they turn to so-called optimizers. Using Thompson's NFA simulation does not require such adaptation: there are no expensive regular expressions.

Caching the NFA to build a DFA

Recall that DFAs are more efficient to execute than NFAs, because DFAs are only ever in one state at a time: they never have a choice of multiple next states. Any NFA can be converted into an equivalent DFA in which each DFA state corresponds to a list of NFA states.
For example, here is the NFA we used earlier for abab|abbb, with state numbers added:
NFA for abab|abbb
The equivalent DFA would be:
DFA for abab|abbb
Each state in the DFA corresponds to a list of states from the NFA.
In a sense, Thompson's NFA simulation is executing the equivalent DFA: each List corresponds to some DFA state, and the step function is computing, given a list and a next character, the next DFA state to enter. Thompson's algorithm simulates the DFA by reconstructing each DFA state as it is needed. Rather than throw away this work after each step, we could cache the Lists in spare memory, avoiding the cost of repeating the computation in the future and essentially computing the equivalent DFA as it is needed. This section presents the implementation of such an approach. Starting with the NFA implementation from the previous section, we need to add less than 100 lines to build a DFA implementation.
To implement the cache, we first introduce a new data type that represents a DFA state:
struct DState
 List l;
 DState *next[256];
 DState *left;
 DState *right;
A DState is the cached copy of the list l. The array next contains pointers to the next state for each possible input character: if the current state is d and the next input character is c, then d->next[c] is the next state. If d->next[c] is null, then the next state has not been computed yet. Nextstate computes, records, and returns the next state for a given state and character.
The regular expression match follows d->next[c] repeatedly, calling nextstate to compute new states as needed.
match(DState *start, char *s)
 int c;
 DState *d, *next;
 d = start;
 for(; *s; s++){
  c = *s & 0xFF;
  if((next = d->next[c]) == NULL)
   next = nextstate(d, c);
  d = next;
 return ismatch(&d->l);
All the DStates that have been computed need to be saved in a structure that lets us look up a DState by its List. To do this, we arrange them in a binary tree using the sorted List as the key. The dstate function returns the DState for a given List, allocating one if necessary:
dstate(List *l)
 int i;
 DState **dp, *d;
 static DState *alldstates;

 qsort(l->s, l->n, sizeof l->s[0], ptrcmp);

 /* look in tree for existing DState */
 dp = &alldstates;
 while((d = *dp) != NULL){
  i = listcmp(l, &d->l);
  if(i < 0)
   dp = &d->left;
  else if(i > 0)
   dp = &d->right;
   return d;
 /* allocate, initialize new DState */
 d = malloc(sizeof *d + l->n*sizeof l->s[0]);
 memset(d, 0, sizeof *d);
 d->l.s = (State**)(d+1);
 memmove(d->l.s, l->s, l->n*sizeof l->s[0]);
 d->l.n = l->n;

 /* insert in tree */
 *dp = d;
 return d;
Nextstate runs the NFA step and returns the corresponding DState:
nextstate(DState *d, int c)
 step(&d->l, c, &l1);
 return d->next[c] = dstate(&l1);
Finally, the DFA's start state is the DState corresponding to the NFA's start list:
startdstate(State *start)
 return dstate(startlist(start, &l1));
(As in the NFA simulation, l1 is a preallocated List.)
The DStates correspond to DFA states, but the DFA is only built as needed: if a DFA state has not been encountered during the search, it does not yet exist in the cache. An alternative would be to compute the entire DFA at once. Doing so would make match a little faster by removing the conditional branch, but at the cost of increased startup time and memory use.
One might also worry about bounding the amount of memory used by the on-the-fly DFA construction. Since the DStates are only a cache of the step function, the implementation of dstate could choose to throw away the entire DFA so far if the cache grew too large. This cache replacement policy only requires a few extra lines of code in dstate and in nextstate, plus around 50 lines of code for memory management. An implementation is available online. (Awk uses a similar limited-size cache strategy, with a fixed limit of 32 cached states; this explains the discontinuity in its performance at n=28 in the graph above.)
NFAs derived from regular expressions tend to exhibit good locality: they visit the same states and follow the same transition arrows over and over when run on most texts. This makes the caching worthwhile: the first time an arrow is followed, the next state must be computed as in the NFA simulation, but future traversals of the arrow are just a single memory access. Real DFA-based implementations can make use of additional optimizations to run even faster. A companion article (not yet written) will explore DFA-based regular expression implementations in more detail.

Real world regular expressions

Regular expression usage in real programs is somewhat more complicated than what the regular expression implementations described above can handle. This section briefly describes the common complications; full treatment of any of these is beyond the scope of this introductory article.
Character classes. A character class, whether [0-9] or \w or . (dot), is just a concise representation of an alternation. Character classes can be expanded into alternations during compilation, though it is more efficient to add a new kind of NFA node to represent them explicitly. POSIX defines special character classes like [[:upper:]] that change meaning depending on the current locale, but the hard part of accommodating these is determining their meaning, not encoding that meaning into an NFA.
Escape sequences. Real regular expression syntaxes need to handle escape sequences, both as a way to match metacharacters (\(, \), \\, etc.) and to specify otherwise difficult-to-type characters such as \n.
Counted repetition. Many regular expression implementations provide a counted repetition operator {n} to match exactly n strings matching a pattern; {n,m} to match at least n but no more than m; and {n,} to match n or more. A recursive backtracking implementation can implement counted repetition using a loop; an NFA or DFA-based implementation must expand the repetition: e{3} expands to eee; e{3,5} expands to eeee?e?, and e{3,} expands to eee+.
Submatch extraction. When regular expressions are used for splitting or parsing strings, it is useful to be able to find out which sections of the input string were matched by each subexpression. After a regular expression like ([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+) ([0-9]+:[0-9]+) matches a string (say a date and time), many regular expression engines make the text matched by each parenthesized expression available. For example, one might write in Perl:
if(/([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+) ([0-9]+:[0-9]+)/){
 print "date: $1, time: $2\n";
The extraction of submatch boundaries has been mostly ignored by computer science theorists, and it is perhaps the most compelling argument for using recursive backtracking. However, Thompson-style algorithms can be adapted to track submatch boundaries without giving up efficient performance. The Eighth Edition Unix regexp(3) library implemented such an algorithm as early as 1985, though as explained below, it was not very widely used or even noticed.
Unanchored matches. This article has assumed that regular expressions are matched against an entire input string. In practice, one often wishes to find a substring of the input that matches the regular expression. Unix tools traditionally return the longest matching substring that starts at the leftmost possible point in the input. An unanchored search for e is a special case of submatch extraction: it is like searching for .*(e).* where the first .* is constrained to match as short a string as possible.
Non-greedy operators. In traditional Unix regular expressions, the repetition operators ?, *, and + are defined to match as much of the string as possible while still allowing the entire regular expression to match: when matching (.+)(.+) against abcd, the first (.+) will match abc, and the second will match d. These operators are now called greedy. Perl introduced ??, *?, and +? as non-greedy versions, which match as little of the string as possible while preserving the overall match: when matching (.+?)(.+?) against abcd, the first (.+?) will match only a, and the second will match bcd. By definition, whether an operator is greedy cannot affect whether a regular expression matches a particular string as a whole; it only affects the choice of submatch boundaries. The backtracking algorithm admits a simple implementation of non-greedy operators: try the shorter match before the longer one. For example, in a standard backtracking implementation, e? first tries using e and then tries not using it; e?? uses the other order. The submatch-tracking variants of Thompson's algorithm can be adapted to accommodate non-greedy operators.
Assertions. The traditional regular expression metacharacters ^ and $ can be viewed as assertions about the text around them: ^ asserts that the previous character is a newline (or the beginning of the string), while $ asserts that the next character is a newline (or the end of the string). Perl added more assertions, like the word boundary \b, which asserts that the previous character is alphanumeric but the next is not, or vice versa. Perl also generalized the idea to arbitrary conditions called lookahead assertions: (?=re) asserts that the text after the current input position matches re, but does not actually advance the input position; (?!re) is similar but asserts that the text does not match re. The lookbehind assertions (?<=re) and (?<!re) are similar but make assertions about the text before the current input position. Simple assertions like ^, $, and \b are easy to accommodate in an NFA, delaying the match one byte for forward assertions. The generalized assertions are harder to accommodate but in principle could be encoded in the NFA.
Backreferences. As mentioned earlier, no one knows how to implement regular expressions with backreferences efficiently, though no one can prove that it's impossible either. (Specifically, the problem is NP-complete, meaning that if someone did find an efficient implementation, that would be major news to computer scientists and would win a million dollar prize.) The simplest, most effective strategy for backreferences, taken by the original awk and egrep, is not to implement them. This strategy is no longer practical: users have come to rely on backreferences for at least occasional use, and backreferences are part of the POSIX standard for regular expressions. Even so, it would be reasonable to use Thompson's NFA simulation for most regular expressions, and only bring out backtracking when it is needed. A particularly clever implementation could combine the two, resorting to backtracking only to accommodate the backreferences.
Backtracking with memoization. Perl's approach of using memoization to avoid exponential blowup during backtracking when possible is a good one. At least in theory, it should make Perl's regular expressions behave more like an NFA and less like backtracking. Memoization does not completely solve the problem, though: the memoization itself requires a memory footprint roughly equal to the size of the text times the size of the regular expression. Memoization also does not address the issue of the stack space used by backtracking, which is linear in the size of the text: matching long strings typically causes a backtracking implementation to run out of stack space:
$ perl -e '("a" x 100000) =~ /^(ab?)*$/;'
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Character sets. Modern regular expression implementations must deal with large non-ASCII character sets such as Unicode. The Plan 9 regular expression library incorporates Unicode by running an NFA with a single Unicode character as the input character for each step. That library separates the running of the NFA from decoding the input, so that the same regular expression matching code is used for both UTF-8 and wide-character inputs.

History and References

Michael Rabin and Dana Scott introduced non-deterministic finite automata and the concept of non-determinism in 1959 [7], showing that NFAs can be simulated by (potentially much larger) DFAs in which each DFA state corresponds to a set of NFA states. (They won the Turing Award in 1976 for the introduction of the concept of non-determinism in that paper.)
R. McNaughton and H. Yamada [4] and Ken Thompson [9] are commonly credited with giving the first constructions to convert regular expressions into NFAs, even though neither paper mentions the then-nascent concept of an NFA. McNaughton and Yamada's construction creates a DFA, and Thompson's construction creates IBM 7094 machine code, but reading between the lines one can see latent NFA constructions underlying both. Regular expression to NFA constructions differ only in how they encode the choices that the NFA must make. The approach used above, mimicking Thompson, encodes the choices with explicit choice nodes (the Split nodes above) and unlabeled arrows. An alternative approach, the one most commonly credited to McNaughton and Yamada, is to avoid unlabeled arrows, instead allowing NFA states to have multiple outgoing arrows with the same label. McIlroy [3] gives a particularly elegant implementation of this approach in Haskell.
Thompson's regular expression implementation was for his QED editor running on the CTSS [10] operating system on the IBM 7094. A copy of the editor can be found in archived CTSS sources [5]. L. Peter Deutsch and Butler Lampson [1] developed the first QED, but Thompson's reimplementation was the first to use regular expressions. Dennis Ritchie, author of yet another QED implementation, has documented the early history of the QED editor [8] (Thompson, Ritchie, and Lampson later won Turing awards for work unrelated to QED or finite automata.)
Thompson's paper marked the beginning of a long line of regular expression implementations. Thompson chose not to use his algorithm when implementing the text editor ed, which appeared in First Edition Unix (1971), or in its descendant grep, which first appeared in the Fourth Edition (1973). Instead, these venerable Unix tools used recursive backtracking! Backtracking was justifiable because the regular expression syntax was quite limited: it omitted grouping parentheses and the |, ?, and + operators. Al Aho's egrep, which first appeared in the Seventh Edition (1979), was the first Unix tool to provide the full regular expression syntax, using a precomputed DFA. By the Eighth Edition (1985), egrep computed the DFA on the fly, like the implementation given above.
While writing the text editor sam [6] in the early 1980s, Rob Pike wrote a new regular expression implementation, which Dave Presotto extracted into a library that appeared in the Eighth Edition. Pike's implementation incorporated submatch tracking into an efficient NFA simulation but, like the rest of the Eighth Edition source, was not widely distributed. Pike himself did not realize that his technique was anything new. Henry Spencer reimplemented the Eighth Edition library interface from scratch, but using backtracking, and released his implementation into the public domain. It became very widely used, eventually serving as the basis for the slow regular expression implementations mentioned earlier: Perl, PCRE, Python, and so on. (In his defense, Spencer knew the routines could be slow, and he didn't know that a more efficient algorithm existed. He even warned in the documentation, “Many users have found the speed perfectly adequate, although replacing the insides of egrep with this code would be a mistake.”) Pike's regular expression implementation, extended to support Unicode, was made freely available with sam in late 1992, but the particularly efficient regular expression search algorithm went unnoticed. The code is now available in many forms: as part of sam, as Plan 9's regular expression library, or packaged separately for Unix. Ville Laurikari independently discovered Pike's algorithm in 1999, developing a theoretical foundation as well [2].
Finally, any discussion of regular expressions would be incomplete without mentioning Jeffrey Friedl's book Mastering Regular Expressions, perhaps the most popular reference among today's programmers. Friedl's book teaches programmers how best to use today's regular expression implementations, but not how best to implement them. What little text it devotes to implementation issues perpetuates the widespread belief that recursive backtracking is the only way to simulate an NFA. Friedl makes it clear that he neither understands nor respects the underlying theory.


Regular expression matching can be simple and fast, using finite automata-based techniques that have been known for decades. In contrast, Perl, PCRE, Python, Ruby, Java, and many other languages have regular expression implementations based on recursive backtracking that are simple but can be excruciatingly slow. With the exception of backreferences, the features provided by the slow backtracking implementations can be provided by the automata-based implementations at dramatically faster, more consistent speeds.

Pumping lemma for regular languages

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the theory of formal languages, the pumping lemma for regular languages describes an essential property of all regular languages. Informally, it says that all sufficiently long words in a regular language may be pumped — that is, have a middle section of the word repeated an arbitrary number of times — to produce a new word which also lies within the same language.
Specifically, the pumping lemma says that for any regular language L there exists a constant p such that any word w in L with length at least p can be split into three substrings, w = xyz, where the middle portion y must not be empty, such that the words xz, xyz, xyyz, xyyyz, … constructed by repeating y an arbitrary number of times (including zero times) are still in L. This process of repetition is known as "pumping". Moreover, the pumping lemma guarantees that the length of xy will be at most p, imposing a limit on the ways in which w may be split. Finite languages trivially satisfy the pumping lemma by having p equal to the maximum string length in L plus one.
The pumping lemma was first articulated by Y. Bar-Hillel, Micha A. Perles, Eli Shamir in 1961.[1] It is useful for disproving the regularity of a specific language in question. It is one of a few pumping lemmas, each with a similar purpose.



[edit] Formal statement

Let L be a regular language. Then there exists an integer p ≥ 1 depending only on L such that every string w in L of length at least p (p is called the "pumping length") can be written as w = xyz (i.e., w can be divided into three substrings), satisfying the following conditions:
  1. |y| ≥ 1
  2. |xy| ≤ p
  3. for all i ≥ 0, xyizL
y is the substring that can be pumped (removed or repeated any number of times, and the resulting string is always in L). (1) means the loop y to be pumped must be of length at least one; (2) means the loop must occur within the first p characters. There is no restriction on x and z.
Below is a formal expression of the Pumping Lemma.

(\forall  L\subseteq \Sigma^*)  \\                                                                                                                     
\quad      (\mbox{regular}(L) \Rightarrow \\                                                                                                           
\quad      ((\exists p\geq 1) ( (\forall w\in L) ((|w|\geq p) \Rightarrow \\                                                                           
\quad\quad ((\exists x,y,z \in \Sigma^*) (w=xyz \land (|y|\geq 1 \land |xy|\leq p \land                                                                
(\forall i\geq 0)(xy^iz\in L))))))))                                                                                                                   

[edit] Use of lemma

The pumping lemma is often used to prove that a particular language is non-regular: a proof by contradiction (of the language's regularity) may consist of exhibiting a word (of the required length) in the language which lacks the property outlined in the pumping lemma.
For example the language L = {anbn : n ≥ 0} over the alphabet Σ = {a, b} can be shown to be non-regular as follows. Let w, x, y, z, p, and i be as used in the formal statement for the pumping lemma above. Let w in L be given by w = apbp. By the pumping lemma, there must be some decomposition w = xyz with |xy| ≤ p and |y| ≥ 1 such that xyiz in L for every i ≥ 0. Using |xy| ≤ p, we know y only consists of instances of a. Moreover, because |y| ≥ 1, it contains at least one instance of the letter a. We now pump y up: xy2z has more instances of the letter a than the letter b, since we have added some instances of a without adding instances of b. Therefore xy2z is not in L. We have reached a contradiction. Therefore, the assumption that L is regular must be incorrect. Hence L is not regular.
The proof that the language of balanced (i.e., properly nested) parentheses is not regular follows the same idea. Given p, there is a string of balanced parentheses that begins with more than p left parentheses, so that y will consist entirely of left parentheses. By repeating y, we can produce a string that does not contain the same number of left and right parentheses, and so they cannot be balanced.

[edit] Proof of the pumping lemma

For every regular language there is a finite state automaton (FSA) that accepts the language. The number of states in such an FSA are counted and that count is used as the pumping length p. For a string of length at least p, let s0 be the start state and let s1, ..., sp be the sequence of the next p states visited as the string is emitted. Because the FSA has only p states, within this sequence of p + 1 visited states there must be at least one state that is repeated. Write S for such a state. The transitions that take the machine from the first encounter of state S to the second encounter of state S match some string. This string is called y in the lemma, and since the machine will match a string without the y portion, or the string y can be repeated any number of times, the conditions of the lemma are satisfied.
For example, the following image shows an FSA.
An automat accepting the language a(bc)*d.png.svg
The FSA accepts the string: abcd. Since this string has a length which is at least as large as the number of states, which is four, the pigeonhole principle indicates that there must be at least one repeated state among the start state and the next four visited states. In this example, only q1 is a repeated state. Since the substring bc takes the machine through transitions that start at state q1 and end at state q1, that portion could be repeated and the FSA would still accept, giving the string abcbcd. Alternatively, the bc portion could be removed and the FSA would still accept giving the string ad. In terms of the pumping lemma, the string abcd is broken into an x portion a, a y portion bc and a z portion d.

[edit] General version of pumping lemma for regular languages

If a language L is regular, then there exists a number p ≥ 1 (the pumping length) such that every string uwv in L with |w| ≥ p can be written in the form
uwv = uxyzv
with strings x, y and z such that |xy| ≤ p, |y| ≥ 1 and
uxyizv is in L for every integer i ≥ 0.[2]
This version can be used to prove many more languages are non-regular, since it imposes stricter requirements on the language.

[edit] Converse of lemma not true

Note that while the pumping lemma states that all regular languages satisfy the conditions described above, the converse of this statement is not true: a language that satisfies these conditions may still be non-regular. In other words, both the original and the general version of the pumping lemma give a necessary but not sufficient condition for a language to be regular.
For example, consider the language L = {uvwxy : u,y \in {0,1,2,3}*, v,w,x \in {0,1,2,3}∧(v=w∨v=x∨x=w)} \cup {w : w \in {0,1,2,3}* and precisely 1/7 of the characters in w are 3's}. In other words, L contains all strings over the alphabet {0,1,2,3} with a substring of length 3 including a duplicate character, as well as all strings over this alphabet where precisely 1/7 of the string's characters are 3's. This language is not regular but can still be "pumped" with p = 5. Suppose some string s has length at least 5. Then, since the alphabet has only four characters, at least two of the five characters in the string must be duplicates. They are separated by at most three characters.
  • If the duplicate characters are separated by 0 characters, or 1, pump one of the other two characters in the string, which will not affect the substring containing the duplicates.
  • If the duplicate characters are separated by 2 or 3 characters, pump 2 of the characters separating them. Pumping either down or up results in the creation of a substring of size 3 that contains 2 duplicate characters.
  • The second condition of L ensures that L is not regular: i.e., there are an infinite number of strings that are in L but cannot be obtained by pumping some smaller string in L.
For a practical test that exactly characterizes regular languages, see the Myhill-Nerode theorem. The typical method for proving that a language is regular is to construct either a finite state machine or a regular expression for the language.

Context free grammars (CFG) and languages (CFL)
Goals of this chapter: CFGs and CFLs as models of computation that define the syntax of hierarchical formal
notations as used in programming or markup languages. Recursion is the essential feature that distinguish CFGs
and CFLs from FAs and regular languages. Properties, strengths and weaknesses of CFLs. Equivalence of
CFGs and NPDAs. Non-equivalence of deterministic and non-deterministic PDAs. Parsing. Context sensitive
grammars CSG.
5.1 Context free grammars and languages (CFG, CFL)
Algol 60 pioneered CFGs and CFLs to define the syntax of programming languages (Backus-Naur Form).
Ex: arithmetic expression E, term T, factor F, primary P, a-op A = {+, -}, m-op M = {•, /}, exp-op = ^.
E -> T | EAT | AT, T -> F | TMF, F -> P | F^P,
P -> unsigned number | variable | function designator | ( E ) [Notice the recursion: E ->* ( E ) ]
Ex Recursive data structures and their traversals:
Binary tree T, leaf L, node N: T -> L | N T T (prefix) or T -> L | T N T (infix) or T -> L | T T N (suffix).
These definitions can be turned directly into recursive traversal procedures, e.g:
procedure traverse (p: ptr); begin if p ≠ nil then begin visit(p); traverse(p.left); traverse(p.right); end; end;
Df CFG: G = (V, A, P, S)
V: non-terminal symbols, “variables”; A: terminal symbols; S ∈ V: start symbol, “sentence”;
P: set of productions or rewriting rules of the form X -> w, where X ∈ V, w ∈ (V ∪ A)*
Rewriting step: for u, v, x, y, y’, z ∈ (V ∪ A)*: u -> v iff u = xyz, v = xy’z and y -> y’ ∈ P.
Derivation: “->*” is the transitive, reflexive closure of “->”, i.e.
u ->* v iff ∃ w0, w1, .. , wk with k ≥ 0 and u = w0, wj-1 -> wj, wk = v.
L(G) context free language generated by G: L(G) = {w ∈ A* | S ->* w }.
Ex Symmetric structures: L = { 0n 1n | n ≥ 0 }, or even palindromes L0 = { w wreversed | w ∈ {0, 1}* }
G(L) = ( {S}, {0, 1}, { S -> 0S1, S -> ε}, S ); G(L0) = ( {S}, {0, 1}, { S -> 0S0, S -> 1S1, S -> ε}, S )
Palindromes (length even or odd): L1 = {w | w = wreversed }. G(L1): add the rules: S -> 0, S -> 1 to G(L0).
Ex Parenthesis expressions: V = {S}, T = { (, ), [, ] }, P = { S -> ε, S -> (S), S -> [S], S -> SS }
Sample derivation: S -> SS -> SSS ->* ()[S][ ] -> ()[SS][ ] ->* ()[()[ ]][ ]
The rule S -> SS makes this grammar ambiguous. Ambiguity is undesirable in practice, since the syntactic
structure is generally used to convey semantic information.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
≠ S
Ex Ambiguous structures in natural languages:
“Time flies like an arrow” vs. “Fruit flies like a banana”.
“Der Gefangene floh” vs. “Der gefangene Floh”.
Bad news: There exist CFLs that are inherently ambiguous, i.e. every grammar for them is ambiguous (see
Exercise). Moreover, the problem of deciding whether a given CFG G is ambiguous or not, is undecidable.
Good news: For practical purposes it is easy to design unambiguous CFG’s.
a) For the Algol 60 grammar G (simple arithmetic expressions) above, explain the purpose of the rule E -> AT
and show examples of its use. Prove or disprove: G is unambiguous.
b) Construct an unambiguous grammar for the language of parenthesis expressions above.
c) The ambiguity of the “dangling else”. Several programming languages (e.g. Pascal) assign to nested
if-then[-else] statements an ambiguous structure. It is then left to the semantics of the language to disambiguate.
Let E denote Boolean expression, S statement, and consider the 2 rules:
S -> if E then S, and S -> if E then S else S. Discuss the trouble with this grammar, and fix it.
d) Give a CFG for L = { 0i 1j 2k | i = j or j = k }. Try to prove: L is inherently ambiguous.
5.2 Equivalence of CFGs and NPDAs
Thm (CFG ~ NPDA): L ⊆ A* is CF iff ∃ NPDA M that accepts L.
Pf ->: Given CFL L, consider any grammar G(L) for L. Construct NPDA M that simulates all possible
derivations of G. M is essentially a single-state FSM, with a state q that applies one of G’s rules at a time. The
start state q0 initializes the stack with the content S ¢, where S is the start symbol of G, and ¢ is the bottom of
stack symbol. This initial stack content means that M aims to read an input that is an instance of S. In general, the
current stack content is a sequence of symbols that represent tasks to be accomplished in the characteristic LIFO
order (last-in first-out). The task on top of the stack, say a non-terminal X, calls for the next characters of the
imput string to be an instance of X. When these characters have been read and verified to be an instance of X, X
is popped from the stack, and the new task on top of the stack is started. When ¢ is on top of the stack, i.e. the
stack is empty, all tasks generated by the first instance of S have been successfully met, i.e. the input string read
so far is an instance of S. M moves to the accept state and stops.
The following transitions lead from q to q:
1) ε, X-> w for each rule X -> w. When X is on top of the stack, replace X by a right-hand side for X.
2) a, a -> ε for each a ∈ A. When terminal a is read as input and a is also on top of the stack, pop the stack.
Rule 1 reflects the following fact: one way to meet the task of finding an instance of X as a prefix of the input
string not yet read, is to solve all the tasks, in the correct order, present in the right-hand side w of the production
X -> w. M can be considered to be a non-deterministic parser for G. A formal proof that M accepts precisely L
can be done by induction on the length of the derivation of any w ∈ L. QED
Ex L = palindromes: G(L) = ( {S}, {0, 1}, { S -> 0S0, S -> 1S1, S -> 0, S -> 1, S -> ε}, S )
q0 q qf
ε, ε -> S ¢
Rule 2: 0, 0 -> ε 1, 1 -> ε
Rule 1:
ε, S -> 0 S0 ε, S -> 1 S1
ε, S -> 0 ε, S -> 1 ε, S -> ε
When q, q' are shown
explicitly, the transition:
(q, a, b) -> (q', v), v ∈ B*
is abbreviated as: a, b -> v
ε, ¢ -> ε
Pf <- (sketch): Given NPDA M, construct CFG G that generates L(M).
For simplicity’s sake, transform M to have the following features: 1) a single accept state, 2) empty stack before
accepting, and 3) each transition either pushes a single symbol, or pops a single symbol, but not both.
For each pair of states p, q ∈ Q, introduce non-terminal Vpq. L( Vpq ) = { w | Vpq ->* w } will be the language
of all strings that that can be derived from Vpq according to the productions of the grammar G to be constructed.
In particular, L( Vsf ) = L(M), where s is the starting state and f the accepting state of M.
Vpq generates all strings w that take M from p with an empty stack to q with an empty stack.
The idea is to relate all Vpq to each other in a way that reflects how labeled paths and subpaths through M’s state
space relate to each other. LIFO stack access implies: any w ∈ Vpq will lead M from p to q regardless of the
stack content at p, and leave the stack at q in the same condition as it was at p. Different w’s ∈ L( Vpq) may do
this in different ways, which leads to different rules of G:
1) The stack may be empty only in p and in q, never in between. If so, w = a v b, for some a, b ∈A, v ∈ A*. And
M includes the transitions (p, a, ε) -> (r, t) and (s,b, t) -> (q, ε). Add the rules: Vpq -> a Vrs b
2) The stack may be empty at some point between p and in q, in state r.
For each triple p, q, r ∈ Q, add the rules: Vpq -> Vpr Vrq.
3) For each p ∈ Q, add the rule Vpp -> ε .
The figure at left illustrates Rule1, at right Rule 2. If M includes the transitions (p, a, ε) -> (r, t) and (s,b, t) -> (q,
ε), then one way to lead M from p to q with identical stack content at the start and the end of the journey is to
break the trip into three successive parts: 1) to read a symbol ‘a’ and push ‘t’; 2) travel from r to s with identical
stack content at the start and the end of this sub-journey; 3) to read a symbol ‘b’ and pop ‘t’.
p q
r s
a, ε -> t b, t -> ε
t t q
5.3 Normal forms
When trying to prove that all objects in some class C have a given property P, it is often useful to first prove that
each object O in C can be transformed to some equivalent object O’ in some subclass C’ of C. Here,
‘equivalent’ implies that the transformation preserves the property P of interest. Thereafter, the argument can be
limited to the the subclass C’, taking advantage of any additional properties this subclass may have.
Any CFG can be transformed into a number of “normal forms” (NF) that are (almost!) equivalent. Here,
‘equivalent’ means that the two grammars define the same language, and the proviso “almost” is necessary
because these normal forms cannot generate the null string.
Chomsky normal form (right-hand sides are short):
All rules are of the form X -> Y Z or X -> a, for some non-terminals X, Y, Z ∈ V and terminal a ∈ A
Thm: Every CFG G can be transformed into a Chomsky NF G’ such that L(G’) = L(G) - {ε}.
Pf idea: repeatedly replace a rule X -> v w, |v| ≥ 1, |w| ≥ 2 by X -> Y Z, Y -> v, Z -> w, where Y and Z are new
non-terminals used only in these new rules. Both right hand sides v and w are shorter than the original right hand
side v w.
The Chomsky NF changes the syntactic structure of L(G), an undesirable side effect in practice. But Chomsky
NF turns all syntactic structures into binary trees, a useful technical device that we exploit in later sections on the
Pumping Lemma and the CYK parsing algorithm.
Greibach normal form (at every step, produce 1 terminal symbol at the far left - useful for parsing):
All rules are of the form X -> a w, for some terminal a ∈ A, and some w ∈ V*
Thm: Every CFG G can be transformed into a Greibach NF G’ such that L(G’) = L(G) - {ε}.
Pf idea: for a rule X -> Y w, ask whether Y can ever produce a terminal at the far left, i.e. Y ->* a v. If so, replace
X -> Y w by rules such as X -> a v w. If not, X -> Y w can be omitted, as it will never lead to a terminating
5.4 The pumping lemma for CFLs
Recall the pumping lemma for regular languages, a mathematically precise statement of the intuitive notion “a
FSM can count at most up to some constant n”. It says that for any regular language L, any sufficiently long
word w in L can be split into 3 parts, w = x y z, such that all strings x yk z, for any k ≥ 0, are also in L.
PDAs, which correspond to CFGs, can count arbitrarily high - though essentially in unary notation, i.e. by
storing k symbols to represent the number k. But the LIFO access limitation implies that the stack can only be
used to represent one single independent counter at a time. To understand what ‘independent’ means, consider a
PDA that recognizes a language of balanced parenthesis expressions, such as ((([[..]]))). This task clearly calls
for an arbitrary number of counters to be stored at the same time, each one dedicated to counting his own
subexpression. In the example above, the counter for ‘(((‘ must be saved when the counter for ‘[[‘ is activated.
Fortunately, balanced parentheses are nested in such a way that changing from one counter to another matches
the LIFO access pattern of a stack - when a counter, run down to 0, is no longer needed, the next counter on top
of the stack is exactly the next one to be activated. Thus, the many counters coded into the stack interact in a
controlled manner, they are not independent.
The pumping lemma for CFLs is a precise statement of this limitation. It asserts that every long word in L serves
as a seed that generates an infinity of related words that are also in L.
Thm: For every CFL L there is a constant n such that every z ∈ L of length |z| ≥ n can be written as
z = u v w x y such that the following holds:
1) v x ≠ ε , 2) |v w x| ≤ n, and 3) u vk w xk y ∈ L for all k ≥ 0.
Pf: Given CFL L, choose any G = G(L) in Chomsky NF. This implies that the parse tree of any z ∈ L is a
binary tree, as shown in the figure below at left. The length n of the string at the leaves and the height h of a
binary tree are related by h ≥ log n, i.e. a long string requires a tall parse tree. By choosing the critical length
n = 2 |V | + 1 we force the height of the parse trees considered to be h ≥ |V| + 1. On a root-to-leaf path of
length ≥ |V| + 1 we encounter at least |V| + 1 nodes labeled by non-terminals. Since G has only |V| distinct
non-terminals, this implies that on some long root-to-leaf path we must encounter 2 nodes labeled with the same
non-terminal, say W, as shown at right.
b u v w x y
≥ |V| + 1 ≤ |V| + 1
For two such occurrences of W (in particular, the two lowest ones), and for some u, v, y, x, w ∈ A*, we have: S -
>* u W y, W ->* v W x and W ->* w. But then we also have W ->* v2 W x2, and in general, W ->* vk W
xk, and S ->* u vk W xk y and S ->* u vk w xk y for all k ≥ 0, QED.
For problems where intuition tells us“a PDA can’t do that”, the pumping lemma is often the perfect tool needed
to prove rigorously that a language is not CF. For example, intuition suggests that neither of the languages L1 =
{ 0k 1k 2k / k ≥ 0 } or L2 = { w w / w ∈ {0, 1} } is recognizable by some PDA.
For L1, a PDA would have to count up the 0s, then count down the 1s to make sure there are equally many 0s
and 1s. Thereafter, the counters is zero, and although we can count the 2s, can’t compare that number to the
number of 0s, or of 1s, an information that is now lost.
For L2, a PDA would have to store the first half of the input, namely w, and compare that to the second half to
verify that the latter is also w. Whereas this worked trivially for palindromes, w wreversed, the order w w is the
worst case possible for LIFO access: although the stack contains all the information needed, we can’t extract the
info we need at the time we need it. The pumping lemma confirms these intuitive judgements.
Ex 1: L1 = { 0k 1k 2k / k ≥ 0 } is not context free.
Pf (by contradiction): Assume L is CF, let n be the constant asserted by the pumping lemma.
Consider z = 0n 1n 2n = u v w x y. Although we don’t know where vwx is positioned within z, the assertion |v
w x| ≤ n implies that v w x contains at most two distinct letters among 0, 1, 2. In other words, one or two of the
three letters 0, 1, 2 is missing in vwx. Now consider u v2 w x2 y. By the pumping lemma, it must be in L. The
assertion |v x| ≥ 1 implies that u v2 w x2 y is longer than u v w x y. But u v w x y had an equal number of 0s, 1s,
and 2s, whereas u v2 w x2 y cannot, since only one or two of the three distinct symbols increased in number. This
contradiction proves the thm.
Ex 2: L2 = { w w / w ∈ {0, 1} } is not context free.
Pf (by contradiction): Assume L is CF, let n be the constant asserted by the pumping lemma.
Consider z = 0n+1 1n+1 0n+1 1n+1 = u v w x y. Using k = 0, the lemma asserts z0 = u w y ∈ L, but we show
that z0 cannot have the form t t, for any string t, and thus that z0 ∉ L, leading to a contradiction. Recall that |v w
x| ≤ n, and thus, when we delete v and x, we delete symbols that are within a distance of at most n from each
other. By analyzing three cases we show that, under this restriction, it is impossible to delete symbols in such a
way as to retain the property that the shortened string z0 = u w x has the form t t. We illustrate this using the
example n = 3, but the argument holds for any n.
Given z = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1, slide a window of length n = 3 across z, and delete any characters you
want from within the window. Observe that the blocks of 0s and of 1s within z are so long that the truncated z,
call it z’, still has the form “0s 1s 0s 1s”. This implies that if z’ can be written as z’ = t t, then t must have the
form t = “0s 1s”. Checking the three cases: the window of length 3 lies entirely within the left half of z; the
window straddles the center of z; and the window lies entirely within the right half of z, we observe that in none
of these cases z’ has the form z’ = t t, and thus that z0 = u w y ∉ L. QED
5.5 Closure properties of the class of CFLs
Thm (CFL closure properties): The class of CFLs over an alphabet A is closed under the regular operations
union, catenation, and Kleene star.
Pf: Given CFLs L, L’ ⊆ A*, consider any grammars G, G’ that generate L and L’, respectively. Combine G and
G’ appropriately to obtain grammars for L ∪ L’, L L’, and L*. E.g, if G = (V, A, P, S), we obtain
G(L*) = ( V ∪ {S0}, A, P ∪ { S0 -> S S0 , S0 -> ε }, S0 ).
The proof above is analogous to the proof of closure of the class or regular languages under union, catenation,
and Kleene star. There we combined two FAs into a single one using series, parallel, and loop combinations of
FAs. But beyond the three regular operations, the analogy stops. For regular languages, we proved closure under
complement by appealing to deterministic FAs as acceptors. For these, changing all accepting states to nonaccepting,
and vice versa, yields the complement of the language accepted. This reasoning fails for CFL’s,
because deterministic PDAs accept only a subclass of CFLs. For non-deterministic PDAs, changing accepting
states to non-accepting, and vice versa, does not produce the complement of the language accepted. Indeed,
closure under complement does not hold for CFLs.
Thm: The class of CFLs over an alphabet A
is not closed under intersection and is not closed under omplement.
We prove this theorem in two ways: first, by exhibiting two CFLs whose intersection is provably not CF, and
second, by exhibiting a CFL whose complement is provably not CF.
Pf ∩: Consider CFLs L0 = { 0m 1m 2n | m, n ≥ 1 } and L1 = { 0m 1n 2n | m, n ≥ 1 }.
L0 ∩ L1 = { 0k 1k 2k | k ≥ 1 } is not CF, as we proved in the previous section using the pumping lemma.
This implies that the class of CFLs is not closed under complement. If it were, it would also be closed under
intersection, because of the identity: L ∩ L’ = ¬(¬L ∪ ¬L’ ). But we also prove this result in a direct way
by exhibiting a CFL L whose complement is not context free. L’s complement is the notorious language L2 =
{ w w / w ∈ {0, 1} } , which we have proven not context free using the pumping lemma.
Pf ¬: We show that L = { u | u is not of the form u = w w } is context free by exhibiting a CFG for L:
S -> Y | Z | Y Z | Z Y
Y -> 1 | 0 Y 0 | 0 Y 1 | 1 Y 0 | 1 Y 1
Z -> 0 | 0 Z 0 | 0 Z 1 | 1 Z 0 | 1 Z 1
The productions for Y generate all odd strings, i.e. strings of odd length, with a 1 as its center symbol.
Analogously, Z generates all odd strings with a 0 as its center symbol. Odd strings are not of the form
u = w w, hence they are included in L by the productions S -> Y | Z . Now we show that the strings u of even
length that are not of the form u = w w are precisely those of the form Y Z or Z Y.
First, consider a word of the form Y Z, such as the catenation of y = 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 and z = 1 0 1, where the center
1 of y and the center 0 of z are highlighted. Writing y z = 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 as the catenation of two strings of
equal length, namely 1 1 0 1 0 and 0 0 1 0 1, shows that the former center symbols 1 of y and 0 of z have both
become the 4-th symbol in their respective strings of length 5. Thus, they are a witness pair whose clash shows
that y z ≠ w w for any w. This, and the analogous case for Z Y, show that the set of strings of the form Y Z or Z Y
are in L.
Conversely, consider any even word u = a1 a2 .. aj .. ak b1 b2 .. bj .. bk which is not of the form u = w w. There
exists an index j where aj ≠ bj, and we can take each of aj and bj as center symbol of its own odd string. The
following example shows a clashing pair at index j = 4: u = 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1.
Now u = 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 can be written as u = z y, where z = 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ∈ Z and y = 0 1 1 ∈ Y.
The following figure how the various string lengths labeled α and β add up.
a1 a2 .. . . aj .. ak b1 b2 .. . . bj .. bk
α β α β
α α β β
symmetry axis
odd string with center symbol aj odd string
5.6 The “word problem”. CFL parsing in time O(n3) by means of dynamic programming
Informally, the word problem asks: given G and w ∈ A*, decide whether w ∈ L(G).
More precisely: is there an algorithm that applies to any grammar G in some given class of grammars, and any w
∈ A*, to decide whether w ∈ L(G)?
Many algorithms solve the word problem for CFGs, e.g: a) convert G to Greibach NF and enumerate all
derivations of length ≤ |w| to see whether any of them generates w; or b) construct an NPDA M that accepts
L(G), and feed w into M.
Ex1: L = { 0k 1k | k ≥ 1 }. G: S -> 01 | 0 S1. Use “0” as a stack symbol to count the number of 0s.
0, ε -> 0 q0 q1
1, 0 -> ε
1, 0 -> ε Accept on
empty stack
Ex2: L = {w ∈ {0, 1}* | #0s = #1s }. G: S -> ε | 0 Y’ | 1 Z’, Y’ -> 1 S | 0 Y’ Y’, Z’ -> 0 S | 1 Z’ Z’
Invariant: Y’ generates any string with an extra 1, Z’ generates any string with an extra 0.
The production Z’ -> 0 S | 1 Z’ Z’ means that Z’ has two ways to meet its goal: either produce a 0 now and
follow up with a string in S, i.e with an equal number of 0s and 1s; or produce a 1 but create two new tasks Z’.
1, ε -> 1
ε, ¢ -> ε
#0s = #1s
#0s > #1s ε, ¢ -> ε #0s < #1s
0, ε -> 0
1, 0 -> ε 0, 1 -> ε
For CFGs there is a “bottom up” algorithm (Cocke, Younger, Kasami) that systematically computes all possible
parse trees of all contiguous substrings of the string w to be parsed, and works in time O( |w|3 ). We illustrate the
idea of the CYK algorithm using the following example:
Ex2a: L = {w ∈ {0, 1 }+ | #0s = #1s }. G: S -> 0 Y’ | 1 Z’, Y’ -> 1S | 0 Y’ Y’, Z’ -> 0 S | 1 Z’ Z’
We exclude the nullstring in order to convert G to Chomsky NF. For the sake of formality, introduce Y that
generates a single 1, similarly for Z and 0. Shorten the right hand side 0 Z’ Z’ by introducing a non terminal Z”
-> Z’ Z’, and similarly Y” -> Y’Y’. Every w ∈ Z” can be written as w = u v, u ∈ Z’, v ∈ Z’. As we read w
from left to write, there comes an index k where #1s = #0s +1, and that prefix of w can be taken as u. The
remainder v has again #1s = #0s +1.
The grammar below maintains the invariants: Y generates a single “1”; Y’ generates any string with an extra
“1”; Y” generates any string with 2 extra “1”. Analogously for Z, Z’, Z” and “0”.
S -> Z Y’ | Y Z’ start with a 0 and remember to generate an extra 1, or start with a 1 and ...
Z -> 0, Y -> 1 Z and Y are mere formalities
Z’ -> 0 | Z S | Y Z” produce an extra 0 now, or produce a 1 and remember to generate 2 extra 0s
Y’ -> 1 | Y S | Z Y” produce an extra 1 now, or produce a 0 and remember to generate 2 extra 1s
Z” -> Z’ Z’, Y” -> Y’Y’ split the job of generating 2 extra 0s or 2 extra 1s
The following table parses a word w = 001101 with |w| = n. Each of the n (n+1)/2 entries corresponds to a
substring of w. Entry (L, i) records all the parse trees of the substring of length L that begins at index i. The
entries for L = 1 correspond to rules that produce a single terminal, the other entries to rules that produce 2 nonterminals.
0 1 1 0
Y" -> Y'Y'
Z -> 0
Z' -> 0
Z -> 0
Z' -> 0
Y -> 1
Y' -> 1
Y -> 1
Y' -> 1
S -> Z Y' S -> Y Z'
Y' -> Z Y" Y' -> Y S
S -> Z Y'
3 attempts
to prove
S ->* 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1
L w =
Y" -> Y'Y'
Y" -> Y'Y'
Z -> 0
Z' -> 0
Z -> 0
Z' -> 0
Z -> 0
Z' -> 0
Y -> 1
Y' -> 1
Y -> 1
Y' -> 1
Y -> 1
Y' -> 1
Z" -> Z' Z' S -> Z Y' S -> Y Z' S -> ZY'
Z' -> Z S Y' -> Z Y" Y' -> Y S Y' -> Y S
S -> Z Y' S -> Z Y'
Z" -> Z S Y' -> Z Y"
S -> Z Y'
Notice the framed rule
Y" -> Y' Y'
matches in 2 distinct ways
(ambiguous grammar)
The picture at the lower right shows that for each entry at level L, we must try (L-1) distinct ways of splitting that
entry’s substring into 2 parts. Since (L-1) < n and there are n (n+1)/2 entries to compute, the CYK parser works
in time O(n3).
Useful CFLs, such as parts of programming languages, should be designed so as to admit more efficient parsers,
preferably parsers that work in linear time. LR(k) grammars and languages are a subset of CFGs and CFLs that
can be parsed in a single scan from left to right, with a look-ahead of k symbols.
5.7 Context sensitive grammars and languages
The rewriting rules B -> w of a CFG imply that a non-terminal B can be replaced by a word w ∈ (V ∪ A)* “in
any context”. In contrast, a context sensitive grammar (CSG) has rules of the form:
u B v -> u w v, where u, v, w ∈ (V ∪ A)*,
implying that B can be replaced by w only in the context “u on the left, v on the right”.
It turns out that this definition is equivalent (apart from the nullstring ε) to requiring that any CSG rule be of the
form v -> w, where v, w ∈ (V ∪ A)*, and |v| ≤ |w|. This monotonicity property (in any derivation, the current
string never gets shorter) implies that the word problem for CSLs: “given CSG G and given w, is w ∈ L(G)?”
is decidable. An exhaustive enumeration of all derivations up to the length |w| settles the issue.
As an example of the greater power of CSGs over CFGs, recall that we used the pumping lemma to prove that the
language 0k 1k 2k is not CF. By way of contrast, we prove:
Thm: L = { 0k 1k 2k / k ≥ 1 } is context sensitive.
The following CSG generates L. Function of the non-terminals V = {S, B, C, Y, Z}: each Y and Z generates a 1
or a 0 at the proper time; B initially marks the beginning (left end) of the string, and later converts the Zs into 0s;
C is a counter that ensures an equal number of 0s, 1s, 2s are generated. Non-terminals play a similar role as
markers in Markov algorithms. Whereas the latter have a deterministic control structure, grammars are nondeterministic.
S -> B K 2 at the last step in any derivation, B K generates 01, balancing this ‘2’
K -> Z Y K 2 counter K generates (ZY)k 2k
K -> C when k has been fixed, C may start converting Ys into 1s
Y Z -> Z Y Zs may move towards the left, Ys towards the right at any time
B Z -> 0 B B may convert a Z into a 0 and shift it left at any time
Y C -> C 1 C may convert a Y into a 1 and shift it right at any time
B C -> 01 when B and C meet, all permutations, shifts and conversions have been done
Hw 5.1: Context-free grammars and pushdown automata
Consider the context-free grammar G with non-terminals S and P, start symbol S, terminals ‘(‘, ‘)’ and ‘0’, and
productions: S -> S P | ε ; P -> ( S ) | 0 .
a) Draw a derivation tree for each of the 4 shortest strings produced by G.
b) Prove or disprove: the grammar G is unambiguous.
c) Design a pushdown automaton M to accept the language L(G). Let M be deterministic if possible,
or non-deterministic if necessary.
Ex: Show that L = {ww | w ∈ {0, 1}* } is context sensitive.
Ex: Recall the grammar G1 of arithmetic expressions, e.g. in the simplified form:
E -> T | EAT, T -> F | TMF, F -> N | V | ( E ) , A -> + | - , M -> * | /
For simplicity’s sake, we limit numbers to single bits, i.e. N -> 0 | 1, and use only 3 variables, V -> x | y | z
a) Extend G1 to a grammar G2 that includes function terms, such as f(x) and g( 1 - x/y)
Use only 3 function symbols defined in a new production H -> f | g | h
b) Extend G2 to a grammar G3 that includes integration terms, such as S [ a, b ] f(x) dx, a linearized form of
“integral from a to b of f(x) dx”.
c) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of CFGs as tools to solve the tasks a) and b).
Ex: Let L = {ww | w ∈ {0, 1}* }
a) Prove that L is not context free, and b) prove that L is context sensitive.

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